Thursday, 21 April 2011

True Beauty of a Woman

I was engaged in a conversation with a friend who once asked me my definition of beauty. This question arose when he asked me to give him few poetic lines to which I replied

Life is beautiful for beautiful people; not beauty on the face but of the mind. The mind is what you want it to be because it is beautiful if you say so”. (feeling like a poet!)

I told him the famous adage that beauty lies in the eye of the beholder. He went a step further to ask me my opinion on the issue to which I answered –

“Beauty comes from the inside (heart) and radiates to the outside.” (still feeling like a poet!)

Today I just remembered that conversation with him and dwelt a bit long on it. To most people the beauty of a woman is often expressed in the outward appearance – looks, a perfect figure, beautiful and expensive clothes and jewelleries, wearing the right make-up and perfumes and so on. Every woman loves to wear these physical beauties that radiates and makes them stand out in the crowd. More often men on their own part look out for physically (shape and facial beauty) beautiful ladies (chic’s, chikala’s, babes, women) – as they choose to call them. That is not all that counts. The Beauty of a Woman is lots more than these.

Beauty is an inward quality that radiates to the outside and consumes it. It is a characteristic quality of a person that provides an experience of pleasure, meaning and satisfaction. It is an aesthetic quality that is admired and a positive reflection of the meaning of one’s existence. It resides inside people and manifests outside.

The late educator-humorist Sam Levinson says –

The beauty of a woman is not in the clothes she wears,
the figure that she carries or the way she combs her hair.
The beauty of a woman is not in a facial mode
But the true beauty in a woman is reflected in her SOUL.
It is the caring that she lovingly gives, the passion that she shows.
The beauty of a woman grows with the passing years.

What determines a woman’s true beauty?

The heart/soul - The true Beauty of a Woman does not come from looking at oneself in the mirror. It comes from looking deep inside oneself to know what makes up their heart because it is the heart that determines a woman's true beauty.

Where can the Beauty of a Woman be seen?

The beauty of a woman must be seen from her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides. Therefore beauty and love to a large extent are inseparable.


Do you love that woman because she is physically beautiful?

That should not be the case - You don’t love a woman because she is beautiful, rather she is beautiful because you love her. Therefore love brings out the beauty in a woman.

·         You do not need a perfect figure to be beautiful – a disarming smile from the depths of the heart makes you completely beautiful and a desire of every living being.
·         You do not need expensive wardrobe to impress – a confident and positive look is far more precious. It sets gives you an edge to win people to yourself.
·         You do not need make-up or new hair style to attract that guy – your joy in life and passionate pursuits make you sparkle, radiating with excitement and energy. He cannot but notice you every time whenever he sees you.

With the physical qualities endowed on you this is what Sam suggests -

For attractive lips, speak words of kindness.
For lovely eyes, seek out the good in people.
For a slim figure, share your food with the hungry.
For beautiful hair, let a child run his or her fingers through it once a day.
For poise, walk with the knowledge that you never walk alone.

These will certainly make you a beauty to behold.

The poem below says it all

Adapted from

The beauty of a woman
Isn't reflected in the cloths she wears,
Its not in her figure,
Its not in the way she combs her hair.

The beauty of a woman
Must be seen from in her eyes,
To see the true beauty of a woman
You have to look into her soul.

The beauty of a woman
Isn't found in her smile,
The true beauty of a woman
Is found deep within her heart,
Where only love resides.

The true beauty of a woman
Is shown in her tenderness,
In the care that she gives,
And the passion that she shows.

The true beauty of a woman
Grows with each passing year,
Because every woman is beautiful
in her own way!

Written by Ginger

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